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Stop by the Everest Rohrer for the 2021 GRAD FAIR Get everything you need to graduate — everything but the degree that is. Your cap & gown, announcements, college ring, and on-campus resources all in one convenient spot. Let Grad Fair take the hassle out of the preparation and make your graduation day a moment you’ll never forget. DATE: Monday, February 1st * 11am - 5pm Tuesday, February 2nd * 1pm - 6pm Place : Everest Rohrer Great Hall We look forward to seeing you there.
BU Campus COVID Protocols
Per state and county requirements, everyone on campus must wear a face covering when appropriate physical distancing isn’t possible, including entering and exiting buildings. Physical Distancing Across campus, clear barriers have been installed in high-traffic offices and spaces. Furniture in communal spaces such as the library, Dining Commons, classrooms and residence hall lounges will be rearranged prior to the start of the semester to promote physical distancing. Signage across campus will be installed prior to the start of the semester to remind employees and students to physical distance and adhere to safety guidelines. For more information about Bethel University's...